Monday, October 16, 2017 by David Armstrong
Have you noticed these days that many of our young people have zero practical skills other than being able to expertly masturbate, text their friends and post inane content to social media platforms? And of course, those who are most skilled at these “tasks” can do all three at once.
Those are the observations of Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, who said in a recent podcast that today’s youth have dramatically changed from when he was a kid.
“Seriously, when I grew up, we had the Boy Scouts, the track team, the math club, after-school hands-on science classes and many other opportunities to learn real-world skills. But today’s mainstream public school kids don’t even know how to grow their own food, start a campfire or even build a sand castle on the beach,” he said.
“They totally lack any skills in the real world because they’re glued to their console gaming devices, mobile phones, and Snapchat. They’re not even living in the real world!” he continued.
Adams made his observations as he began mentoring some area youth on his Texas-based ranch. He said the young men were all “city dwellers,” and he was showing them what it was like to live in the country and have to take care of a small farming or ranching operation such as feeding animals, working with farm implements and equipment like tractors, dealing with often dangerous wildlife such as poisonous snakes, taking care of the environment, permaculture, food production and so forth. (Related: Are these 8 common mistakes creating a tomato timebomb in your garden?)
“It’s been a fascinating experience” that has also been “rewarding,” Adams said, noting that he enjoys teaching what he knows and sharing his knowledge. However, to him, the experience has only deepened a belief that many of today’s youth simply do not possess the kinds of real-world skills necessary to prepare them for life.
“It’s not even their fault,” he said. “They’re victims of” the sequestered “city life” they’ve been living, largely in a surreal ‘world’ of fantasy via video games and social media.
Adams even said that social media addiction has caused physical problems among many young adults, as evidenced by their poor posture. He said they sit or walk “hunched over” because they are so accustomed to having their heads in their smartphones, pads, and laptops.
“Believe it or not, I even had to teach one of them how to turn off a water faucet,” Adams said, incredulously. “I’m not even joking.” He also said the same young man could not figure out how to use a valve nozzle on a garden hose.
“Apparently, you don’t learn that on social media or Snapchat,” Adams said.
The young men, whom Adams said were “not kids of 12” but young adults in their 20s, had no knowledge of plants, how to grow food, horticulture in general, and other life-sustaining skills were also completely lacking, said the Health Ranger. “If you just tell them to pull weeds, they pull up all your vegetables” too because they can’t tell the difference, he said.
Other deficiencies included a lack of knowledge about anything mechanical — from changing oil in a motor to changing, and then inflating, a tire. “Nothing,” Adams declared.
“These are not low IQ individuals,” Adams said, adding that a number of them are college graduates. “Very intelligent, capable people who have done well academically,” he said, “and yet they have no skills whatsoever in the real world.”
Adams said he was so intrigued by the young men’s lack of real-world skills and knowledge he began asking other people whether they had made similar observations and had come to similar conclusions about American youth.
“I’ve come to find this is incredibly common,” he said.
Worse, it’s becoming a generational problem.
Listen to the entire podcast by clicking here and listen at HealthRangerReport.com.
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Tagged Under: Tags: gardening, Health Ranger, Mike Adams, podcast, preparedness, real-world skills, Social media, survival, youth