News & Articles By Arsenio Toledo
By Arsenio Toledo
Wilderness safety: 5 Reasons to bring a gun while camping and hiking
Going hiking and camping is one of the most fun experiences you can have outdoors; however, you never know what dangers are lurking around you in the wilderness. This is why it’s important that you bring a gun with you while you’re out camping or hiking. It’s unlikely that you will ever need to use […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Survival lessons from Venezuela: 6 Signs of impending civil unrest
Civil unrest may be just around the corner, whether it be related to health concerns during a pandemic, supposed racial inequality and police brutality or because of political events, such as election-related violence. For the untrained eye, the sudden bout of chaos may be happening without warning. However, for a prepper such as yourself, you may be […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Intermediate prepping: How to deal with non-prepper neighbors when SHTF
If you properly execute your preps when SHTF, you shouldn’t run into too many complications. That is unless you have neighbors who aren’t preppers. It’s highly likely that you’re neighbors aren’t preppers because a high percentage of the population is definitely not prepared for most or all SHTF scenarios imaginable. You will be lucky to know even […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Prepper essentials: SHTF emergency communication plans for your family
When disaster strikes, your family might not be together in one place – your partner or spouse might be at work and your children might be at school or out with their friends. In this situation, the first thing you’ll want to do is to bring your family together quickly before heading out. This process will be […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Survival essentials: How to select duct tape for your stockpile
Duct tape is one of the most versatile items you can obtain for your survival kit. There are a near-unlimited number of ways you can use it in survival scenarios. Duct tape can be used for all manner of emergency repairs, such as to stop leaks on ceilings and walls and to seal windows. It can be […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Survival 101: Stock up on essential supplies and fortify your home before TEOTWAWKI
Taking shelter in your own home will only be possible if your property is ready for TEOTWAWKI. This can be done by fortifying your home to make it easier to peacefully live there and by stocking up on the supplies you will need to possibly outlast the disaster. Fortifying your home In a TEOTWAWKI situation, you […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Skills, strategies and supplies you’ll need to prep for an EMP, solar flares
An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) event is one of the most catastrophic scenarios preppers can ever face. This is especially true in today’s world, where almost every tool and technology requires electricity to function. Fortunately, there are ways you can prepare for such an event. The worst kind of EMP event you can face is the […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Firearms checklist: Survival optics for your weapons
There is nothing wrong with using regular iron sights on your firearms. However, if you want to enhance your survival experience and increase your chances of successfully dispatching either the game you’re hunting or the threats who are trying to kill you, you need to get your hands on survival optics. Having a survival optic on […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Rural prepping: Why you should bug out to a small town
When disaster strikes, large numbers of people are going to bug-out of cities and other densely populated areas. Many preppers will make their way to cabins and other hideouts in sparsely populated and secluded areas. While this is not a bad idea for preppers that have homesteads to go to, not every prepper can afford […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Gun safety 101: 3 Ways to keep your firearms safe
Gun storage is very important. Keeping your firearms tucked away where children can’t play with them and burglars can’t snatch them – or worse, use them against your family – is very important. Fortunately, there are three very simple ways you can keep your family safe from accidental discharges. Here are three different gun safety options for […]
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