News & Articles By Arsenio Toledo
By Arsenio Toledo
Survival watches, satellite phones and more: 8 Innovative preps you may need when SHTF
Filling up your storage with the essentials is no easy task. You must prioritize food, water, a couple of weapons for self defense, a first aid kit and other medical supplies and any space you have left will be for any other tool or piece of equipment you may need. If your stockpile still has some space, there […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Fire is a versatile survival asset – Here’s a list of things you can cook over it
Cooking over an open flame shouldn’t be regarded as a novelty, especially for preppers. Learning how to build a campfire with some tinder, kindling and firewood is an invaluable skill, especially if you’re out camping. During these moments, the communal campfire will be the only thing around you that can reliably cook food – and […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Stockpile Storage 101: 6 Storage hacks any prepper should know
Unless you have a really big home, preferably out in the country where you also have a lot of land, you probably don’t have enough space to store all of the food, water, medicines and gear you need to last you several months up to a year. As a prepper, you will need a lot […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Advanced prepper tips to take your prepping to the next level
An “advanced prepper” is somebody with exceptional experience in survival skills and has an extensive supply of food, water and survival gear. These kinds of preppers are different from beginner or even intermediate preppers because they could handle disasters that last several months long. To be able to survive a disaster of that magnitude and […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Protect yourself from coronavirus-fueled global food shortages by planting your garden RIGHT NOW
The United Nations has warned that the coronavirus crisis could provoke massive food shortages around the world. Fortunately, with foresight, you can save your family and yourself from this looming catastrophe by stocking up on food quickly. The global coronavirus pandemic has made governments all over the world enact measures to limit the spread of the virus, […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Know the ropes, learn the ropes: Here’s why you need old reference books in your survival library
A good prepper never stops learning. Today, you may be able to rely on online resources such as websites and videos where you can quickly refresh your knowledge on certain topics such as gardening and home maintenance. However, when SHTF, the power grid and the internet itself will be at risk of going down, and […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Here’s why you need a sharp knife in your everyday carry kit
When preparing for any disaster or emergency, you will need the right equipment in your bag. This includes the essentials like food, water and first aid kit, but also other stuff like a self-defense weapon, a flashlight and a physical map of your location, among others. However, if the emergency arrives and you’ve left all […]
By Arsenio Toledo
When the storm subsides: What to do in the aftermath of a disaster
Hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, floods and other similar disasters and emergencies are difficult to get through. It takes a lot of preparation to be able to say you’re ready to face a disaster. Emergency supply kits need to be stocked, family members need to be geared up and emergency bug out plans need to be drawn […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Fill up your emergency storage with these 10 food items
When preparing for a crisis – such as the global coronavirus pandemic – you need to stockpile food. Keeping a lot of food helps in many ways: It will sustain you for days, weeks or even months, and it will minimize the need to go out for groceries, reducing your risk of contracting coronavirus, which, […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Keep your energy high when SHTF with these high-calorie foods you can grow in your garden
During and after disasters, it’s a mistake to rely heavily on your local grocery stores and supermarkets as people will be buying out all of the food quickly. What you need is a proper survival garden, where you can grow high-calorie vegetables that can sustain you all year round. Here are the top 10 vegetables that can […]
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