News & Articles By Arsenio Toledo
By Arsenio Toledo
Interested in the ultimate survival weapon? Get an AR-15
Having a personal defense weapon is an important factor in prepping. When it comes to survival weapons, there may be nothing that can compare to the AR-15. Here are four reasons why you should get an AR-15. (h/t to Lethal and optimal for close- and medium-range shootouts FBI ballistics tests show that the AR-15, when chambered […]
By Arsenio Toledo
To prevent the spread of coronavirus in your community, it’s important to maintain proper survival hygiene
Keeping yourself clean is always important. With the rapid spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) all over the world, observing proper hygiene is even more crucial, especially since the disease is highly contagious. Here are some things to consider when maintaining your hygiene. (h/t to Hand hygiene To keep your hands free of bacteria and […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Things to consider when building your stockpile of healthy foods
During this period of worldwide calamity, everyone is looking into the kind of healthy foods they should get for their stockpile. You may be living in a city or state that has already imposed some lockdown procedures. In that case, you may want to check the foods you currently have. While the current wave of the […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Food storage tips: 3 Ways to store meat safely when SHTF
Learning how to properly preserve meat is an essential skill for surviving after SHTF. You won’t be able to rely on just storing your meat in refrigerators, especially if the power grids fail to function. You also won’t be able to buy more meat at the store if your food goes bad because food supplies may […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Italian government could lose grip on southern regions as coronavirus WREAKS HAVOC on supply lines, distribution of aid
As the coronavirus ravages northern Italy, the country’s economically stagnant south is teetering on the edge of anarchy. Law enforcement personnel are worried that widespread rioting and looting can erupt if the government doesn’t get its act together quickly. In particular, the island of Sicily, Italy’s southernmost region, is turning into a powder keg. Police have […]
By Arsenio Toledo
10 Things you need to know before heading to the grocery store
The world may be in the middle of a disaster, but it’s never too late to start prepping. It would have been ideal to prepare days, weeks or months before SHTF, but there are still ways that you can make it out of this current crisis better off than others if you start now. This […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Here’s how to use cold storage to keep your fruits and vegetables fresh, even without electricity
When the power goes out, you won’t be able to rely on electric-powered refrigeration to keep your healthy fruits and vegetables fresh. Given the state of the world today and the fact that panic buying is becoming the norm in grocery stores all over the country, you may want to consider alternative ways for keeping […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Gun handling 101: How to successfully achieve off-body carry
Off-body carry is a popular way of carrying a concealed firearm. Simply put, it means carrying your firearm in a pouch or in your bag, as opposed to keeping it in a holster strapped onto your hip. Off-body carry options include backpacks, purses, satchels and briefcases. Some even consider carrying their pistol in the glove […]
By Arsenio Toledo
15 Survival uses of Q-tips
Q-tips may not be your go-to item when you think about versatile survival equipment, but they do have a variety of uses that you can take advantage of during survival situations. Here are 15 different survival uses for your Q-tips. (h/t to Personal care The main use of Q-tips is for cleaning the ears. […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Prepping with kids: What to teach them about natural disasters
As a prepper, you may have at least the very basic idea of what to do during natural disasters. During a volcanic eruption, you run away as far as you can from the volcano; during a storm, you seek shelter on high ground; during an earthquake, you duck and cover. However, not everyone may know what […]
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