News & Articles By Arsenio Toledo
By Arsenio Toledo
Supermarkets are unable to predict which products will experience shortages each week
Supermarkets all over the United States are preparing for shortages of popular products. They are forced to change how they operate to deal with the persistent shortages during the supply chain crisis. Some of the most prominent changes include expanding their storage space to allow them to stock up on more goods, curbing discounts or getting […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Costco limiting consumer purchases of essential items like toilet paper as supply line collapse accelerates
Membership-only retail chain Costco said on Thursday that it was bringing back limits on purchasing key items such as toilet paper, bath tissues, bottled water and cleaning supplies to prevent hoarding amid another surge of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) cases. During the first surge of COVID-19 cases early last year, people all over the country began stockpiling household […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Bug out basics: How to efficiently pack your bug-out bag
When disaster strikes, you need to move quickly to get yourself and your family to a safe bug-out location. This means you need to pack your bug-out bag. You need to pack enough of your essential gear in it. And once packed, your bug-out bag needs to be lightweight enough that you have little to […]
By Arsenio Toledo
World’s super-rich investing in luxurious “billionaire bunkers”
The world’s richest people are investing their money in purchasing property to escape the coming collapse. They have invested in property that is either deep enough underground or on an island separated from the rest of society. These super-rich people believe the only way to deal with the coming collapse is to ride it out in style in […]
By Arsenio Toledo
5 Reasons why motorcycles are the best bug out vehicles
Motorcycles are essential means of transportation for preppers like yourself, especially when SHTF and you want to get out of disaster zones quickly. Not only that, but motorcycles can also have other important advantages for preppers like yourself. Here are five of them. Easy storage If you don’t want your car stolen during chaotic SHTF situations, you need […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Cleanliness 101: The difference between cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing
It can sometimes be confusing, but understanding the difference between cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing is very important. These three different ways of keeping your home free of dirt, germs and other microbes all perform very different functions. Here are the key characteristics you need to remember. (h/t to Cleaning Cleaning is simply what you do […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Essential supplies to pack in your first aid kit for a camping trip
Preppers and survivalists like yourself always need to spend some time out in the great outdoors. One of the first activities that probably comes to mind is camping. While this is definitely an enjoyable activity where you and your family can learn a lot of important survival skills, camping also comes with certain risks. Accidents, […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Don’t live in fear: 4 Ways proactive preppers can avoid thinking about the doom and gloom of TEOTWAWKI
Many preppers can fall victim to the doom and gloom that surrounds the community. Preppers spend a lot of their free time preparing for what to do when SHTF, and this can be very stressful and lead to many depressive thoughts. There is a reason for the doom and gloom. The world is very fragile […]
By Arsenio Toledo
3 All-natural insect repellents that you can make at home
Insects can be deadly if they are not taken care of immediately. But many mainstream insect repellents contain toxic chemicals. This is why you should rely instead on homemade herb and essential oil-based insect repellents. Some of the most common toxic chemicals in insect repellents include pyrethroids, permethrin, cyfluthrin and DEET. These four toxic chemicals can […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Disaster prepping 101: Learn land navigation skills to get out of SHTF situations
When SHTF and nowhere within your immediate vicinity is safe, you and your family need to bug out immediately. But to quickly and efficiently get somewhere safe, you need some land navigation skills. During emergency situations, having a handy device to help guide you out of the disaster zone can be very handy. A GPS device, […]
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