News & Articles By Arsenio Toledo
By Arsenio Toledo
Back to basics: Survival lessons from an 1800s era village
Living during the 1800s was very difficult. The average life expectancy in the United States at the time barely reached 50. Despite this, there is still a lot to learn from this era. This is why preppers should visit a preserved historic town. Here are nine key skills you can learn from your visit. (h/t to […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Lessons from Venezuela: Top 10 items to barter with when SHTF
Venezuela used to be one of the most stable and prosperous nations in South America. However, after decades of severe economic mismanagement thanks to socialist government policies, the country has totally collapsed. This is why Venezuelans have all but abandoned their currency, the bolivar, in favor of old-fashioned bartering. Venezuelans understand that to barter efficiently, they […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Securing your stockpile: How to keep your food supplies dry and pest-free
Your food supply’s two biggest enemies are moisture and pests. This is because your extra food is most likely being stored in an area that’s darker, damper and quieter than any other part of your home. These three conditions are perfect for unwanted pests to thrive and for moisture to seep in through the cracks on […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Survival tips from grandma: 12 Lessons to help you get through the next economic depression
The Great Depression was the worst economic disaster to occur in the 20th century. Your grandparents and great grandparents had to deal with a lot of adversity to make it in the harsh environment of America in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Here are some of the tips and lessons they learned and carried with […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Prepper weapons: Choosing the best firearm for home defense
If you feel like your home is in danger, having a firearm in the house can help give you some peace of mind. This is especially true today, given data from large cities like New York show that burglaries and homicides are on the rise. If you don’t know what firearm to get for defending your home, […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Foraging 101: How to identify, harvest and preserve hickory nuts
Hickory nuts are great emergency food for foraging preppers. With over 19 different varieties of hickory trees in existence, finding hickory nuts shouldn’t be a challenge, even for urban preppers. If you’re a beginner, here’s a guide to help you identify, harvest and preserve hickory nuts for your prepping and survival needs. Identifying hickory nuts The best […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Self-defense 101: 4 Kinds of weapons that you’ll need when SHTF
Apart from figuring out where to bug out and how much food, water and other supplies you will need when SHTF, another factor you need to consider is personal protection. You need to know how to defend yourself against brigands, looters and other potential enemies. To protect yourself, your family and your property, you need to master […]
By Arsenio Toledo
6 Alternative self-defense weapons to use in a gun-free zone
In certain jurisdictions within the United States, it is very difficult for people to carry around firearms. Unfortunately, the need to protect yourself in these areas does not disappear. This is why it is important to consider alternative instruments of self-defense. This is especially true when you’re in a situation wherein you suddenly find yourself […]
By Arsenio Toledo
A prepper’s guide to surviving a power grid attack
With how much our society relies on electricity, an attack on the power grid would result in dire consequences. As every single process and service that runs on the power grid comes crashing down, the worst inclinations of humanity would be brought to the surface. Within one month after the power grid fails, law and order will […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Emergency preparedness: How to survive an energy crisis
The United States has experienced an energy crisis before. In the 1970s, the country experienced two disastrous energy crises – one in 1973 and another in 1979 – due to instability in the Middle East. This kind of disaster can happen anywhere and at any time, and as such, it is important that you start preparing for […]
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