News & Articles By Divina Ramirez
By Divina Ramirez
Survival foraging: How to identify and use dandelion, a versatile weed
Most people think of dandelions as nothing but invasive weeds out to ruin their lawns. But preppers know that dandelions are just as useful as herbs and beneficial plants in home gardens. When SHTF, it pays to know how to forage for edible weeds like dandelions so you can add them to your stockpile or arsenal of […]
By Divina Ramirez
6 Types of rope and why you need them for survival
Ropes are one of the essential tools you need in your survival kit or bugout bag (BOB). But no one rope is ideal for everything. In a survival situation, it pays to have different ropes so you can use what best suits your needs. Below are the six most popular types of rope among preppers and survivalists: (h/t […]
By Divina Ramirez
Prepper medicine: How to use parsley, a versatile medicinal herb
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a leafy herb native to the Mediterranean region. Its leaves are normally used as a garnish, but they can also be used to make herbal remedies. Parsley has a long history of use in traditional medicine. Healers used its leaves, seeds and roots to treat a slew of ailments, including bruises, insect bites, amenorrhea, […]
By Divina Ramirez
5 Reasons to stockpile food now
Inflation in the United States has jumped to the highest rate since 2008 as the country rebounds strongly from the coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, many economists believe the current rise in inflation is not transitory because of evidence of structural changes in supply at a time when demand for all products is robust. Put simply, inflation is here […]
By Divina Ramirez
14 Ways to preserve blackberries for long-term storage
Blackberries have one of the shortest peak seasons of all fruits in the United States, where harvests usually run from July to August. Blackberries also don’t ripen after they’ve been picked, so they have to be picked when they’re exactly ripe. This means you have a very short window for enjoying sweet and juicy blackberries. Luckily, there are several […]
By Divina Ramirez
12 Shrubs and trees you should have in your permaculture garden
Permaculture, a portmanteau of “permanent agriculture,” is a method of gardening that enables plants to take care of each other and of the garden as a whole. In a permaculture garden, each plant has a specific purpose. Some plants are used exclusively for food. Others are planted for medicine. Some plants are even used to attract […]
By Divina Ramirez
Prepping 101: How to store water for emergency preparedness
The human body needs water to function properly, and a person may only survive for a few days without water. Clean water is also important for sanitation and hygiene. This is why having an emergency supply of clean, safe water is essential when SHTF. But there’s more to water storage than filling drums and buckets with […]
By Divina Ramirez
10 Tips to help you stay clean during a disaster
Contaminated bathing water and lack of functional toilet facilities can create a hazardous environment, leading to illness and, in severe cases, death. But clean water and sanitation supplies can be hard to find during a disaster when toilets, showers and sinks may not function and emergency assistance may not be available. To help you stay clean and healthy […]
By Divina Ramirez
8 Bugout scenarios to prepare for
Having a bugout plan is a cornerstone of prepping. But this doesn’t just entail preparing a bugout bag (BOB) in case SHTF. It also entails knowing what actual events might necessitate bugging out. Such events, known as bugout situations, are dangerous scenarios that require you to leave as soon as possible, often due to unexpected danger to your life. There […]
By Divina Ramirez
4 Best food storage containers for your stockpile
Preparing an emergency food stockpile can be messy. Canned foods and drink bottles easily eat up space in the pantry or refrigerator, and not everyone has a lot of space for food and other essentials. Plus, mediocre food storage containers can leak and stain, failing to keep your food fresh and creating a mess in your […]
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