News & Articles By Divina Ramirez
By Divina Ramirez
Emergency preparedness: All-season transportation options in a post-SHTF world
When SHTF, getting from one place to another might be harder than usual. For instance, if almost everyone in your area is trying to drive away to safety, then expect heavy traffic to delay your evacuation as well. Law enforcement officers may also want to check vehicles on their way out, thereby worsening traffic. Certain disasters, such as earthquakes and […]
By Divina Ramirez
Tenacity and resourcefulness: 10 Survival lessons from the homeless
Many people look down on the homeless due to the misconception that they’re all simply lazy. Though true for some, there are many homeless people who ended up as such because they’ve had a string of bad luck and nobody to help them out. Ironically, a homeless person would fare better than the average person when […]
By Divina Ramirez
Weed-free, worry-free: 5 Ways to get rid of weeds in your home garden
Weeds are a pain for gardeners. For starters, they compete with plants for water and nutrients and can overrun the garden if left unchecked. They can also cause plants to wither and even stunt their growth. Luckily, there are many ways to naturally get rid of weeds and keep them from coming back. Check your […]
By Divina Ramirez
Food supply 101: Minimum calories needed for survival
Calories are an important part of your daily life. Your body needs calories just to operate, with even the most basic functions of your organs, such as the beating of your heart, consuming calories. But how many calories you need in a day to survive is different from how many calories you usually eat on a […]
By Divina Ramirez
Emergency preparedness: 8 Factors to consider before bugging out
Bugging out is something that all preppers consider when disaster strikes. By bugging out, you remove yourself from imminent danger. But not all disaster or SHTF scenarios require bugging out. By default, your home is the safest place to be. The decision to leave the safety of your home should only be made when the dangers of staying put […]
By Divina Ramirez
Prepper first aid: 14 Dangerous things to remove from your medicine cabinet
All too often, medicine cabinets are used as a catch-all for nearly all kinds of products, from expired pills to old razors and batteries. Chances are, if you open your medicine cabinet, you’ll find old prescription bottles or foul-smelling liquid products in damaged packaging that you once thought might come in handy. However, such products may cause […]
By Divina Ramirez
13 Frontier survival tips you should know
Pioneers, frontiersmen and longhunters are not just fictitious characters of books and movies. These were real-life ancestors of millions of people around the world. They lived in the great outdoors by their own means thanks to the many skills they learned – skills that still prove to be valuable hundreds of years later. Today, even seasoned preppers […]
By Divina Ramirez
Prepper projects: Root cellar design tips and mistakes to avoid
Before modern refrigeration came about, an underground root cellar was the best way to store produce, such as carrots, turnips and other root vegetables, and keep them fresh for long periods of time. This simple but effective structure has stood the test of time and continues to be used by those who grow their own food. […]
By Divina Ramirez
Survival 101: How to combat fatigue and sleep deprivation when SHTF
Dealing with disasters and emergencies is exhausting. However, most people underestimate the toll that fatigue and sleep deprivation can take on the body. Anyone who has ever been sleep-deprived knows that losing a few hours of sleep can make you feel spaced out, unmotivated and fatigued. If not properly managed, sleep deprivation can significantly affect your physical […]
By Divina Ramirez
10 Tips for long-term gun and ammo storage
While it’s important to store food and water in case SHTF, it’s also important to plan for self-defense. You need to be able to defend yourself in a true survival situation. That entails storing self-defense weapons like guns. But there are some things to consider when storing guns and ammunition. Over time, factors like heat and moisture can […]
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