News & Articles By Edsel Cook
By Edsel Cook
Not everyone knows of this practical and life-saving use of a Faraday cage
Every day, you run into situations where having a Faraday cage can be really helpful. In the future, it might even keep you alive when SHTF. An article in Alpha Survivalist covered the many uses of such devices. Simply put, a Faraday cage is a space surrounded by conductive material that blocks off magnetic fields […]
By Edsel Cook
Simple ways to check if a silver or gold coin is fake
You probably keep old coins made from gold and silver, either as heirlooms or purchased from dealers and other collectors. But can you be sure that they are the real deal? An article in Surviving in Argentina shared some of the most reliable ways to find out if your coinage is real or fake. The […]
By Edsel Cook
Don’t make these 10 mistakes when deciding to live in rural areas
Residents of rural areas have it easier than urban preppers. Townfolk, homesteaders, and people who live off-grid generally have the right skills to survive on their own. However, an article in Survivopedia brings up serious concerns that could compromise your ability to survive in the countryside. Ensuring the health of your livestock and crops You will […]
By Edsel Cook
Prepare yourself for SHTF: Exercises you’ll need for survival
Preppers need not restrict their preparations to stockpiling, building shelters, and making bugout plans. They also need to strengthen their bodies and their minds. An article in Survivopedia recommends several types of physical and mental training that will put you in the best shape for escaping and surviving when SHTF. Calm your mind through meditation Your mind is an […]
By Edsel Cook
The lone wolf approach to survival never works: Why you should network with other preppers
You might be preparing to survive the apocalypse, but you don’t have to prepare on your own. An article in Survival Sullivan recommends interfacing with other preppers in order to share useful knowledge and resources with each other. Only preppers on the same level as military special forces can confidently say they will survive on […]
By Edsel Cook
How to recycle plastic food bottles for TEOTWAWKI
One day, when the world as we know it comes to a crashing end, the seemingly endless supply of plastic bottles – among many other consumer products – will dry up. Preppers are advised to stockpile these versatile containers while they can, and an article in Survivopedia gives ten ways of reusing them in a […]
By Edsel Cook
Non-insulated single wall stainless steel canteens are best for outdoor survival … here’s why
In a outdoor survival scenario, the difference between life and death can be decided by something as seemingly mundane as the presence or absence of insulating walls inside your water canteen. An article in Modern Survival Blog recommends getting stainless steel canteens that have only one wall and no insulation whatsoever because of their greater […]
By Edsel Cook
Practical uses for newspapers for when SHTF
Old-fashioned, physical newspapers will remain useful long after the content they bear become outdated. They can even be used during crisis scenarios when SHTF. An article in Survivopedia shared a number of reasons and uses as to why you should stockpile them. The most valuable and versatile newspapers are the ones made from regular paper […]
By Edsel Cook
Home security is of monumental importance when SHTF… have you reviewed your security plan recently?
Your home is notionally your castle, a place that is meant to be safe for you and your family. Even preppers who plan to bug out when SHTF will stash some emergency supplies at their homes due to the sheer convenience. An article in The Prepper Journal recommended improving the security of your home to […]
By Edsel Cook
A guide to bugging out in Oakland, the largest city in the East Bay
Preppers who live in Oakland, California might find the biggest, most heavily populated city on the East Bay to be a particular challenge to bug out of. An article in Preppers Will recommended securing the right bug-out vehicle, a safe destination, and planning several alternative routes in case your primary path is blocked by gridlock and/or […]
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