News & Articles By Edsel Cook
By Edsel Cook
Best of the basics: A look at the best survival shovels
One of the must-have equipment for any survival scenario is a military-grade survival shovel. It can perform all the functions of a typical shovel while also being smaller, lighter, sturdier, and more versatile. The FiveJoy C1 Military Folding Shovel Multitool exemplifies this multi-functionality. It can chop wood like an ax, open bottles, pound objects like a hammer, […]
By Edsel Cook
Devastating solar storms are much more common than previously believed, warn scientists… and Earth is in the cross hairs
Researchers have found evidence that a massive solar storm enveloped Earth 2,600 years ago. Now, they warn that similar space weather phenomena of the same magnitude could happen again. Since the last such event in 1859, humans have come to rely on electricity. Another solar storm of that size and power would cause chaos around […]
By Edsel Cook
Tips to make your RV a comfortable place no matter the weather
Recreational vehicle (RV) owners may find themselves spending long periods traveling and living aboard their transports. If they find the interior too warm or too cold, they may take steps to improve its insulation and ventilation. (h/t to Keeping the RV warm is far more challenging than cooling it off. Start with the bottom […]
By Edsel Cook
Product spotlight: This bulletproof hoodie can stop a .44 Magnum
A good bulletproof vest will protect you from harm, but it also sticks out like a sore thumb, thus telling attackers to aim for your head. Fortunately, a company called Wonder Hoodie Inc. offers hidden bulletproof hoodies for women and children at an affordable price. The company’s hooded jackets and sweatshirts provide NIJ Body Armor […]
By Edsel Cook
Will kerosene-fueled appliances run on diesel?
Diesel engines will burn properly-lubricated kerosene fuel. Conversely, some useful kerosene-fueled appliances will run on off-road diesel. So in case a prepper or homesteader runs out of expensive kerosene and cannot get his hands on new supplies, he can use cheaper diesel fuel as substitute. Kerosene heaters not only burn diesel, they also run quite well on […]
By Edsel Cook
Prepper medicine: Considerations for OTC meds in your survival cache
Non-prescription drugs are a vital part of any prepping stockpile or bug-out bag. As a prepper, when selecting over-the-counter drugs, you must consider potential drug interactions; decide between branded and generic products; evaluate herbal alternatives; and keep track of expiration dates. Taking more than one drug at the same time may lead to harmful interactions between the medications. The […]
By Edsel Cook
Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security: When SHTF, survival skills are still more important than your stockpile
The last thing any prepper should do is buy into a feeling of peace of mind and safety. Even after amassing a seemingly sufficient stockpile, you need to acquire and maintain survival skills that will serve you even better than supplies. (h/t to In addition to stockpiling resources for SHTF scenarios, you must be able […]
By Edsel Cook
Prepper basics: How long is too long to store your water in plastic containers?
Is it safe to store drinking water in plastic containers for long periods? The type of plastic the containers are made of will determine how long you can safely store water in them. Plastic contains various chemicals, many of which are toxic to humans. Some of these compounds may leach into the liquid stored in plastic […]
By Edsel Cook
When SHTF, can you get in touch with your family? The importance of survival communication plans
When SHTF and the power grid goes down, most forms of communication will stop working. Preppers with families or groups must plan for the sudden loss of easy communication. (h/t to Spouses must decide beforehand who will fetch their young child from school during an emergency. If they have more than one child, they […]
By Edsel Cook
Navigation basics: What is magnetic declination and how does it affect your compass readings?
Magnetic declination is a challenging part of navigating with a map and a magnetic compass. Preppers and survivalists must compensate for various shifts in the Earth’s magnetic field that affect compass navigation. The magnetic needle of a compass aligns itself with the planet’s geomagnetic field. In turn, the card or circle of the navigational instrument […]
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