News & Articles By Edsel Cook
By Edsel Cook
What you need to know about nuclear power in America
Living in the world’s biggest commercial producer of nuclear power has its downsides. Preppers and survivalists need to consider the possibility of an accident at the nearest nuclear power plant. Most of the 99 active nuclear reactors in the U.S. are found in New England, the South’s eastern seaboard, and Illinois. Only Alaska and Hawaii lack any atomic facilities. […]
By Edsel Cook
What’s the best wristwatch for when SHTF: A review of the best options
Preppers need to invest in a good wristwatch that will keep on running, especially after SHTF scenarios that take out smartphones and other electronics that tell time. Aside from keeping and telling time, a watch offers other uses related to survival in a post-collapse world. A kinetic mechanical wristwatch is the best choice for a […]
By Edsel Cook
Should you have a remote cache site for emergency supplies?
A cache can spell the difference between life and death in the wilderness. Here are some helpful guidelines to set up a cache of survival supplies in a remote area. Start by getting a feel for the chosen area of operations. Memorize topography maps and make a 3D model of the territory. If possible, charter […]
By Edsel Cook
The aging U.S. power grid is working overtime: How much more can it take?
The U.S. power grid may not be on its last legs, but it is getting there. Most of the country’s power transmission and distribution network is old and well past their limit. And when one part finally goes down, many of the others will follow in a disastrous domino effect. The grid is not able […]
By Edsel Cook
How to find good deals on prepper real estate
Buying and owning land is not impossible for a prepper, even one without any savings in a bank. There are ways to acquire land quite cheaply. Landowners who are not paying property taxes get a tax lien imposed on their land. The lien gives the government a legal claim to the property as security for […]
By Edsel Cook
Fixed blade survival knives: Review of the best 2019 has to offer
A knife is an essential survival tool for any prepper or survivalist. Picking the right fixed-blade survival knife may spell the difference between life and death when going off-grid. When selecting a survival knife, consider the likeliest scenarios and uses for it. A hunting knife is excellent in the wilderness, while a more discreet type […]
By Edsel Cook
Best solar lanterns available today: Review
Every camper, prepper, and survivalist needs a solar lantern in their bug-out bag, stockpile, or vehicle. But they need to pick the model and type that best suits their needs. A lantern functions differently from a flashlight. The latter casts a single beam, while the former spreads light over a larger area. The two are complementary, […]
By Edsel Cook
What multitool do you carry every day? A look at the best ones
Everyone – be they a prepper, a survivalist, or an ordinary person – needs a multitool. The best examples for everyday carry have at least a dozen different features to help pull off all kinds of daily chores and survival tasks. The multitool is one of the handiest and most vital edged tools available. Always keep one within easy reach, even if it […]
By Edsel Cook
Easy and nutritious, sprouts make a great addition to your survival food plan
Sprouts are an excellent choice for survival food. They are nutritious and tasty, easy and quick to grow, do not need much room to grow and can thrive in any season. A “sprout” refers to a plant that is a couple of days old. Its roots have just begun to grow extensions at this point, making it more nutritious than seeds. The sprouting […]
By Edsel Cook
Is it time to bug out? Tips for deciding when to leave
A prepper can set up the most thorough preparations for leaving the house and moving to a safer place when SHTF. But how can one determine the best time to bug out? (h/t to Solo preppers have it easy. They only need to worry about themselves. If necessary, they can drop everything and get out of Dodge. However, some preppers […]
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