News & Articles By Frances Bloomfield
By Frances Bloomfield
Do you have a water contingency plan? What happens when your city runs out of water…
Water is a necessity, plain and simple. Human beings can’t go for more than three days without it. Unfortunately, water is also a finite source. As the looming water crisis in Capetown, South Africa, has shown us, water supplies can be depleted. No one in their right mind wants that to happen to them, but you […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Finding food in a famine: Tips for survival used throughout history
Nobody wants to experience famine. History has shown us that famine can make even the best of people do the worst things. Yet at the same time, scarcity has also allowed human ingenuity to shine. From nettle soup to bread made from tree bark, these are just some of the creative foods that the people […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Prepping tip: How to hide your valuables in plain sight
Let’s face it: stashing away your valuables in a conventional safe just doesn’t cut it anymore. Burglars and home invaders know to make a beeline for big, metal safes to get the goods. So, how else can you hide your family heirlooms, your guns, and whatever else you hold near and dear to your heart? […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Practice makes perfect: Choose to live like a survivalist before it becomes a necessity
Living the survivalist lifestyle is a big decision. Choosing to live off the grid entails making big changes, ranging from growing your own food to finding your own water source to downsizing your home for maximum efficiency. It isn’t easy by any means. But with those big changes come even bigger benefits. Becoming a survivalist […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Preparing your family for disaster: How to develop your emergency plan
Formulating an emergency plan: It isn’t always easy to make or pull off, but it’s an absolute must in this world. You never know what will hit you and when, making it all the more important to get your entire family involved in disaster preparedness. Ensure that your family is ready for just about anything […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Harvesting mushrooms for food and fire: Tips for identifying them
Mushrooms – depending on which ones you pick, they can either be the boon or the bane of any outdoorsman. Just as there are multiple edible and nutrient-filled varieties of mushroom, there are also just as many that can kill you with a bite. Fortunately, telling the difference between a mushroom that will be your […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Worth their weight: Why you should always include nail clippers in your camping kit
When you think of survival equipment, the nail clipper doesn’t immediately jump to mind. A nail clipper doesn’t do much else other than clip nails – or so you think. The fact is that this humble grooming kit essential would fit right in with other kinds of camping equipment. First off, keeping your fingernails and toenails […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Do you have a safe source of water for a SHTF situation? Top 5 water purification mistakes
Everybody knows that you need water to live. Without it, you’d be pushing in as little as 72 hours. What isn’t as common, however, is knowing how to purify water properly. If you think making potable water simply involves running it through a filter — you’ve just made one of the most common mistakes in water purification. […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Putting together a three-day survival kit: What you’ll need in an emergency
Where do you begin with emergency preparation? Well, if you’re new to preparedness and survival, you start off with a three-day or 72-hour survival kit. As you can glean from the name, it’s a survival kit that’s supposed to get you through three days of an emergency. Anything can happen in 24 hours, much less […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Want to be self-reliant without leaving the comforts of the city? Check out these 10 ways to make it possible
Have you ever wanted to become self-reliant but felt it wasn’t possible because you live in the city? Fortunately for you, this is an itch that you can definitely scratch. You don’t have to uproot your home in the ‘burbs and move all the way to the country just to embrace self-sustained living. There are […]
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