News & Articles By Frances Bloomfield
By Frances Bloomfield
32 basic survival skills to teach your kids ASAP
Children rely on their parents to teach them all the basic, essential skills needed to get through life. This includes survival skills. You never know when your kids will need them, and you have nothing to lose from teaching them how to survive. Ask yourself this: If and when a crisis sweeps through our country, […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Insider warns of martial law and millions of deaths when “big one” hits California
The Big One is a hypothetical, long-overdue mega-quake that’s expected to strike the west coast at any time, with California suffering the brunt of the devastation. The idea of a massive earthquake hitting the heavily populated state already conjures up images of rattled people weaving their way through crumbled wreckage. Yet according to one first […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Why and how to use diatomaceous earth for your body and home
Made from the fossils of single-celled, ocean-dwelling plants, food-grade diatomaceous earth is an unusual but useful all-natural mineral. You may not have heard of this soft, white powder before, but it’s something you should definitely keep around in your closet. From soaking up unpleasant smells to polishing metal to supporting bone and joint health, this […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Shocking: New study reveals that teenagers get no more exercise than SENIORS
A new study has revealed an uncomfortable sign of the times: The physical activity levels of teenagers are at an all-time low. So much so that, according to the researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, they get as much exercise as senior citizens. Led by professor Vadim Zipunnikov, the team of […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Face it: Most Americans are broke and without a dime to their names
If you have an emergency fund, then congratulations: You’re one of the few in this country who will get through the impending economic crisis. It seems that Americans have yet to fully absorb the harsh lessons taught by the Great Recession. Another major economic downturn is looming on the horizon, and millions are going to […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Do-it-yourself prepping: How to waterproof matches
Matches are an invaluable tool to have in any situation. They’re convenient, affordable, and perhaps the most important component of any fire starter kit. A little moisture, however, will make them all but useless. You can get around this by purchasing waterproof matches, or you could simply waterproof your own matches and save your money. […]
By Frances Bloomfield
America’s silent crisis: Drinking water may become too expensive for millions of households in the future
Imagine a world where drinking water becomes inaccessible for thousands of people. A disturbing picture, but one that researchers from the Michigan State University claim could be reality a few years down the line. The future cost of water may soon become too pricey for the average American, reported In fact, the researchers have […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Prepper food: Two breads you can stockpile and make in your own home
Canned foods are the prepper’s go-to foods for a good reason; they’re affordable and keep for a long time, making them easy to stockpile for months or even years. One food that’s just right for prepping but is often overlooked is bread, that classic and common food in homes all over the world. Though it’s […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Must-have vitamin supplements for every prepper
A steady supply of food is a must on every prepper’s list of essentials. The question is: How much of these foods are nutritionally-balanced? In situations where the usual comforts are unavailable, we need to be in our best physical condition. We must maintain our health with the correct combination of robust physical activity and […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Shanghai goes green: District with towering vertical farms may become a reality in the near future
From towering symbols of urbanization, the skyscrapers of Shanghai may soon become agrarian wellsprings. Such is the plan for Sunqiao Urban Agricultural District, a 250-acre district where people will live, work, and shop while surrounded by massive vertical farming systems. Sasaki, the US-based architectural firm behind this bold undertaking, has called Sunqiao “a new approach […]
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