News & Articles By HRS Editors
By HRS Editors
Essential gear for SHTF situations: Choosing the right equipment for survival
A carefully planned survival kit can help you get through most emergencies. While it can’t save you from all survival scenarios, having a kit can improve your chances of surviving dangerous situations. (h/t to The ideal survival kit should be properly organized, lightweight and suitable for different environments and situations. When preparing your kit, consider important […]
By HRS Editors
Boost your chances of surviving a disaster with a 72-hour survival kit
Three days might not seem like a long time, but having a 72-hour survival kit can help you survive a disaster. You need a this kit because when SHTF, you might have a hard time finding food, water and basic utilities for 72 hours. When dealing with an emergency, you might not have a way to heat […]
By HRS Editors
Discover Amish secrets to living without electricity
Did you know that an estimated 300,000 Amish live among Americans throughout the United States? They do not live on the grid and their lifestyles are not conventional. If you want to become a self-sufficient prepper, you can learn a lot from the Amish and their off-grid lifestyle. (h/t to The Amish live simple lives devoted to their strict […]
By HRS Editors
Backyard prepping: Surprising ways to supercharge your garden using household items
Having a home garden is a great idea if you want your family to have access to fresh, healthy and organic fruits and vegetables. To ensure healthy crops, try surprising but efficient ways to use household items that can supercharge your garden, such as making DIY fertilizer. (h/t to Try the suggestions below to ensure […]
By HRS Editors
Survival dental care: Keeping your teeth clean and healthy when SHTF
Maintaining proper oral health even after SHTF is important because it helps keep your teeth and gums healthy and your breath fresh. For emergencies, you can clean your teeth with toothpaste substitutes such as baking soda or even coconut oil. (h/t to Here are some options if you don’t have an extra supply of […]
By HRS Editors
Prepping tips: Stockpiling non-perishable foods and water
Even if you’re not a prepper, you should think about stocking up on emergency foods for different survival scenarios. This is important because fueling your body with nutritious foods and staying hydrated during a crisis can differ from your regular diet during “normal” times. Below are some suggestions on what you should have in your survival […]
By HRS Editors
How to secure your home before a hurricane
The 2024 Atlantic hurricane season is predicted to be a dangerous one, with as many as 33 named storms expected this year. With the threat of dozens of storms looming, you should prepare your home and property before SHTF. Remember that while making your home hurricane-proof can be expensive, experts have advised that it will pay off […]
By HRS Editors
Prepping and hydration: Essential tips for preparing for extreme heat
Picnics and outdoor activities are fun when the weather is great, but you should remember that spending too much time in the sun during summer can also be dangerous. Excessive heat exposure can cause dehydration, which can cause hazardous conditions, such as heat cramps. Fortunately, you can take measures to protect your family from the heat and sun if […]
By HRS Editors
Essential tips for hurricane preparedness
If you’re worried about hurricane season, know that hurricanes are dangerous and can cause major damage. Also, note that hurricanes can happen along any U.S. coast or in any territory in the Atlantic or Pacific oceans. (h/t to Storm surge is an abnormal water level rise generated by a storm over and above the predicted […]
By HRS Editors
Must-have items for your heatwave emergency kit
Before disaster strikes, stock up on food supplies and prepare a heatwave emergency kit for yourself and your family. With the necessary supplies, you can ensure that your family is well-fed and comfortable even if things get a little too hot when SHTF. Hopefully, the power will be on even during a heatwave. But if you experience […]
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