News & Articles By HRS Editors
By HRS Editors
Essential oils for prepping: Must-haves for your survival kit
Essential oils from various plants are less fixed and more volatile, which means they tend to evaporate easily. In contrast, so-called “fixed oils” like olive and other cooking oils do not evaporate even in high temperatures. As such, essential oils are popular in aromatherapy. While there are many kinds of essential oils, some of them should be […]
By HRS Editors
Survival essentials: Best budget-friendly foods for prepping
An organic home garden is an ideal source of cheap and replenishing survival food. However, this isn’t always an option for some preppers. If you don’t have the time or resources for a home garden, you can build a stockpile with affordable food items. (h/t to Cheap survival food becomes expensive if you don’t eat it […]
By HRS Editors
Emergency preparedness: How to survive a nuclear attack
Nuclear attacks may sound far-fetched, but preppers understand that they need to prepare for the worst. After all, nuclear attacks don’t seem that unlikely if you’ve been monitoring the news and are worried about the still ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. And with political leaders around the world making nuclear threats, it’s worth thinking about preparing for […]
By HRS Editors
Understanding different types of emergencies and how to prepare for them
Thinking about survival scenarios may seem scary, but it’s important for emergency preparedness. While many emergencies can happen, you can narrow down the necessary preps by thinking of the ones that are more common in your area. Prepping before SHTF ensures that you put the power back in your hands when things finally go south. (h/t […]
By HRS Editors
Why being prepared is a game-changer
Even the most experienced prepper knows that it’s impossible to prepare for all emergencies. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Before SHTF, preparing for common emergencies like natural disasters or economic collapse can help your family prepare for the worst and reduce casualties. Below are some of the most important benefits of emergency preparedness. […]
By HRS Editors
The ultimate guide to foods that never spoil: Long-lasting prepping pantry staples
Not a lot of non-preppers will think of starting a stockpile with food supplies that can last for several years, but this is a common thing for most preppers. The whole process can seem daunting for a beginner, but here are some long-lasting pantry staples to help you get started. (h/t to Aside from choosing food […]
By HRS Editors
5 Essential urban prepping tips
While many survival skills are often framed within the context of the great outdoors, there are also certain important survival skills that can be applicable within an urban environment. Living in the city may come with many comforts and luxuries, but these can easily disappear during a survival situation. When SHTF, it’s important to have a […]
By HRS Editors
Top 10 survival hacks for generating electricity
Some non-preppers may take things like electricity for granted until they are in a scenario where they no longer have it. It can be hard to find a reliable power source, especially if you are unprepared for a widespread power outage or grid-down emergency. And while storing energy has become more effective thanks to advancements in […]
By HRS Editors
The best foods to dehydrate for your survival food stockpile
Dehydrating is great for your survival food storage. When prepared properly, dehydrated food can taste amazing, too. Dehydrating is a food preparation method that removes moisture from food. This changes the food’s texture and taste. It also slows the growth of microorganisms and drastically increases the storage life of food. While it is possible to […]
By HRS Editors
Discreet prepping: Top 6 ingenious diversion safes to hide your valuables in plain sight
When prepping for emergencies, you might want to hide money or other small valuables in convenient hiding places like diversion safes. Diversion safes look like ordinary household items, like canned food or a flower pot, but with hidden compartments for storing small valuables discreetly. If you hide your diversion safe in an ideal location, it […]
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