News & Articles By Janine Acero
By Janine Acero
DIY backup power system options when SHTF
A good prepper ensures that his or her home will have backup power, such as a battery system, in case of an outage. To set up a backup power system for home use, you must first know your home power needs. Determine a system that has the specific purpose of supporting the house, which means identifying what most appliances […]
By Janine Acero
Hungry in the wild? Take these 15 plants into consideration the next time you venture out
Out and about in the field? Why not bring home some exotic goodies – Canada’s countryside is chock-full of wild edibles, with more than 350 different species of plants and root crop to choose from. However, if this is your first time foraging, it is wise to refrain from touching or picking anything you are […]
By Janine Acero
The strategy of readiness: Everyday carry items that you should ALWAYS have on you
Emergencies can happen when you least expect it, and preppers know that being prepared can mean the difference between life and death. But emergencies don’t have to catch you completely off guard, not unless you have everyday carry items that will cover all the bases, from little inconveniences to critical survival situations. (h/t to Everyday carry […]
By Janine Acero
The best dog breeds for SHTF situations
A dog is a versatile pet. Different breeds are meant for different purposes. Some breeds are absolute couch potatoes which make for great cuddle-buddies, some dogs are excellent travel companions, and there are breeds that are perfect for protecting your home from intruders and other dangers. If you’re a prepper with a homestead, your bug-in home won’t […]
By Janine Acero
Stay vigilant: These garden pests can wipe out your plants in a hurry
An abundant garden will ultimately attract many kinds of animals, most of which will be unwelcome pests such as insects and small mammals that can strip your garden clean and destroy everything you worked so hard for. Protect your garden by studying and trying to learn as much as you can about the type of pests […]
By Janine Acero
How to prep your land: Natural ways to clear out invasive plants, tree stumps
The ability to grow your own food is a valuable skill for anyone who is planning to go for a self-sustaining way of life. However, the type of land you have plays a major role in growing plants and crops. In order to start planting and growing your own produce, you need to prepare your […]
By Janine Acero
19 Common plants that are edible and can help you survive in the wild
To be stranded in the wilderness is probably one of the worst things that could happen to anyone. It’s easily conceivable that you’ll go around in circles looking for the nearest settlement, all the while running out of strength and food. But the wilderness isn’t so barren after all – we know plants and animals […]
By Janine Acero
Unusual uses for eggs and eggshells around the house
Chicken eggs – indeed, all kinds of eggs that we consume – are a huge part of the human diet. They are packed with nutrients, particularly protein, and are one of the easiest and most versatile foods to cook if you are looking to whip up a quick meal. They are so often used as an ingredient […]
By Janine Acero
Edible or poisonous? Tips on how to determine which wild plants are safe to consume
If you find yourself forced to survive in the woods, it is important to know which plants are safe to forage. Reggie Bennett from the Mountain Shepherd Survival School shares his knowledge on how to identify the poisonous plants from the edible ones. “There are so many plants out here that can do you in or just […]
By Janine Acero
What did people eat during the Great Depression? A look at the foods that helped people survive famine
The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic downturn that began in 1929 and continued until about 1939. It affected North America, Europe, and other industrialized areas of the world. It was the most serious economic tragedy ever experienced by the industrialized Western world in modern history. The full burden of the economic crisis fell […]
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