News & Articles By Olivia Cook
By Olivia Cook
Food storage: Containers for storing wheat berries for optimal shelf life
Biologically speaking, the wheat berry, also known as the “kernel,” is the seed from which a wheat plant grows. They are a powerful survival food that, if stored properly, can last for years in your stockpile. Wheat seeds or wheat berries are true whole grains that will keep you healthy. They are a great source of […]
By Olivia Cook
Must-have items for sheltering in the wilderness
Here is a short list of items you should have in your survival kit when bugging out or camping in the wilderness. (h/t to Cutting tools Choose your survival knives based on tasks they must be able to perform – i.e., building and repair, self-defense, hunting, cooking or wood processing – not just their features. This also applies to axes, […]
By Olivia Cook
The wonders of camouflage: A comprehensive guide on how to avoid detection when SHTF
Camouflage is an art. Everybody can learn this skill which often go hand-in-hand with prepping and survival. We camouflage if we want to avoid detection by other people as much as possible. Your survival may depend on remaining undetected and unseen. That’s the importance of camouflage which has been continually refined since time immemorial. Unlike animals, humans […]
By Olivia Cook
Food Security: The best crops to grow in an edible garden
A practical, self-sufficient survival garden is one of the best friends you can have if and when the next crisis hits hard – where you can still make the “fresh is best” lifestyle a reality even in the event of a collapse. Container gardens, grow bag gardens, hydroponic kits, pots on a windowsill and window boxes, […]
By Olivia Cook
How to make your own LIQUID SOAP without harmful chemicals
Soap is an incredibly useful household item in everyday life. Soaps allow us to keep clean and prevent the spread of harmful bacteria, microbes and germs that make us sick. But have you ever purchased bath soap from big box stores, only to find out they smell weird when you sweat or totally dried your […]
By Olivia Cook
Food freedom: Gardening options for self-sufficient preppers
If you’re willing to invest some of your precious time and effort, you can always get a harvest and be self-sufficient. Start small and scale up. Focus on crops that your family loves to eat, including herbs that add flavor to your dishes. You can also grow flowers to brighten your home and low-maintenance houseplants. According […]
By Olivia Cook
The mechanisms of SILVER against deadly bacteria and why it should be in your prepper bag
Silver has a long and intriguing history as an antibiotic in human health care. But a 2015 study looked at a unique quality of this element in killing deadly pathogens. A May 2015 piece in Science magazine stated that silver interferes with the cell walls of bacteria and deprives them of the normal metabolic processes […]
By Olivia Cook
Survival foods: 5 simple, easy-to-make recipes for foods that can sustain you in emergencies
When disaster strikes, it pays to know how to make foods that do not need many ingredients, are very nutritious and can last a long time when properly stored. Here are five recipes for easy-to-make survival foods you should know by heart. Hardtack Also called hard bread, this tough biscuit is a survival food with a […]
By Olivia Cook
10 Medicinal plants you should have in your home garden
Here are 10 plants with potent medicinal properties that you can use to make natural home remedies if you wish to avoid the unwanted side effects caused by over-the-counter medications. These plants or herbs are easy to grow, harvest and use, and are versatile enough to use for other applications. (Related: Prepper medicine: 9 Medicinal herbs to plant […]
By Olivia Cook
The importance of leisure to a prepper’s mental health and psychological resilience
Preppers require psychological resilience to be prepared for anything. They need a strong mind to navigate the challenges that may arise in emergencies. Their mind is their best tool and most important resource for long-term preparedness. Often overlooked by those who are new to the psychology of survival is the importance of leisure in prepping. […]
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