News & Articles By Rhonda Johansson
By Rhonda Johansson
Emergency care tips from 100 years ago: 7 Lessons that still apply today
Roughly 100 years ago, medical science was still very much involved with educating the public about basic emergency care. A lot of these first-aid tips are still incredibly relevant today. Here are such seven practices that you should familiarize yourself with. (h/t to How to stop bleeding from an artery below the middle of […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Remake yourself into a survivor: Mind, body, belongings
The appeal of people like Bear Grylls lies in their supposed “unreachability.” For those of us who think exercise is getting off the couch to reach for the remote control, the concept of actually being out there and roughing it is fascinating. Yet an honest assessment of shows like that would reveal that anyone can […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Stay alive: Don’t make these 7 mistakes in wilderness survival
You’ve heard it all before, haven’t you? Failing to prepare is preparing to fail; and while the repetition of the advice can become annoying, it is no less true because of it. The thing is — the REAL thing is — you never know what’s going to happen. Even the most experienced preppers make mistakes. […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Camping basics: Tips for surviving a thunderstorm
An unexpected thunderstorm can ruin a backpacking trip. These weather occurrences are both dangerous and beautiful. It is not uncommon to hear of nature photographers risking their lives for just that one, perfect shot. But putting aside the chance of capturing such raw, fleeting beauty, your priority during thunderstorms is your survival. It is not […]
By Rhonda Johansson
5 Rifles you should own when SHTF
Gun control is one of the more polarizing topics we Americans face today. Simply mention the right of each citizen to bear arms, and you’ll find faces light up like a Christmas tree. It can go either way, really. They can either turn golden with the importance of protecting one’s self and family or change […]
By Rhonda Johansson
5 best guns, in order, to have in ANY survival scenario
We’ve listed, in order, the top five guns you need for any survival situation. While we always recommend using the right gun for the right situation, some of us don’t have the luxury of having an entire cache of firearms. So we’ve decided to prioritize the absolute musts, based on practicality and budget. (h/t to […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Immobilizing broken bones when you’re off-grid: How to make a cast with mud
Regular readers of Natural News know that we have always emphasized the importance of prepping and off-grid living. Our topics are varied but all say the same thing: Use what you have and know how to utilize nature to your advantage. This is best exemplified in this short guide that will teach you how to […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Debunking 7 of the most common wildnerness survival myths
Mainstream media has lied to you again — and this one has pretty big consequences. Please don’t believe those “reality” survival shows that show you what it’s really like to live in the wild, and survive. These shows are just entertainment. Real preppers understand that if you were to attempt some of the things depicted […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Hypothermia: How to identify, treat, and avoid it
Hypothermia is a potentially fatal condition that occurs when your core body temperature drops below 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Contrary to popular belief, you can get hypothermia outside of winter. It can occur in moderate temperatures or when you are submerged in cold water for long periods of time. Hypothermia is especially common among people who […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Super cool outdoor gear for camping, survival
If we had to be really honest about it, camping and survival are not exactly “cool” concepts to discuss for everybody. But you see, that’s not the point of prepping. Our aim in writing these guides is to make sure you live to see another day; coolness be damned. That doesn’t mean though that surviving […]
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