By Zoey Sky
Why you should prepare immediately rather than “when SHTF”
Being unprepared can get you in big trouble (or worse) when SHTF. Preppers know this, which is why they set up their preps ahead of time, not after receiving warnings about a disaster that’s about to hit their area. (h/t to Don’t get used to waiting for an official announcement that a disaster will strike […]
By Arsenio Toledo
No power, no problem: 5 Ways to stay warm when the power is out
Some emergencies, like a shooting, an earthquake or a similarly large disaster, are very serious and require a lot of preparation. Others, such as a power outage, are still challenging to handle, but can be done with less preparation. Many people can survive a few days without power, as long as they have enough supplies to last […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Long-lasting light: How to make a DIY candle that lasts for 100 hours
While flashlights are usually enough to give light when the power goes out, having a hefty supply of emergency candles on hand can keep the strain off your devices and help save battery. However, most store-bought candles only last for about six hours and could topple easily, making it quite the fire hazard. Thankfully, you […]
By Darnel Fernandez
The savvy prepper’s guide to surviving a long-term power outage
A power outage is one of the most challenging situations any homeowner may face. Society has grown to be heavily dependent on technology and electricity, with the latter becoming almost a necessity. Losing access to electricity can lead to adverse effects on everyday life. What’s even more unfortunate is that you don’t usually have control […]
By Arsenio Toledo
10 Ugly truths about long-term power outages and how to deal with them
Perhaps you have already experienced short blackouts and have prepared for them – but what about a power outage that lasts for weeks or even months? It’s important to understand what a long-term blackout entails in order to fully prepare for it. Here are 10 things to note about a long-term power outage. (h/t to […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Back to basics: 10 Tips for surviving a long-term power outage
Electricity is an integral part of modern life. Even a short power outage can cause a massive disruption. What happens then when the blackout lasts longer than anticipated? How would you survive without electricity for several days – or even weeks? (h/t to Living without power for extended periods can be dangerous, especially if you’re unprepared. Your […]
By Darnel Fernandez
10 Practical tips that will help you survive a long-term disaster without electricity
Society has grown into one that relies heavily on electricity-powered devices, appliances and gadgets. Most people can’t even imagine a world without the convenience that comes with electricity. A lot of electrical outages usually last a few hours or maybe a few days. However, some disasters can lead to power outages that may last weeks, even more. […]
By Ethan Huff
California’s massive power outages remind us all why electric cars are useless when the grid goes down
Earlier this week, officials from Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), California’s largest electricity provider, publicly announced that the company would be shutting off people’s electricity on purpose as a preventative measure to mitigate wildfire risk. But what’s to become of Californians’ electric cars during this time? The “environmentally friendly” solution to the traditional combustion engine […]
By Zoey Sky
Tips for protecting your food supply when the grid goes down
As a prepper, it’s important to know about proper food storage and how to gather the necessary supplies for your stockpile. But how do you prevent food spoilage if you experience a long-term power outage? (h/t to Before SHTF, make sure you have backup power for your appliances, especially your fridge and freezer. Otherwise, your […]
By Janine Acero
Prepping 101: For how long should you boil drinking water?
Water can be easily contaminated. In fact, 90 percent of the world’s water is contaminated in some way, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Nowadays, you can’t just dip your head into a cold mountain stream for a drink, with diseases lurking under the surface. Biological contamination from bacteria and viruses is a common culprit, […]
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