By Virgilio Marin
Firearms training: 3 Home defense drills to sharpen your shooting skills
Equipping yourself with firearms and other weapons is not enough to successfully defend your home from burglars. You also need to be comfortable handling your weapon, which is why it’s important to train at the firing range to hone your shooting skills. Here are three home defense drills to add to your firearms training: (h/t to Gun retrieval […]
By Edsel Cook
Home security tips from a police officer
Self-defense is a matter best taken in a person’s own hands than left to the police. Take it from a former police officer, who shares some ways to ensure the security of your home. First, figure out the state’s laws on self-defense. The options will be defined by what the state considers to be an […]
By Zoey Sky
Prepper security: What is perimeter protection and why is it important?
Perimeter protection is crucial whether you live in an apartment in the city or in a cabin in a remote location. Consider these tips that may help secure your home and keep out trespassers. (h/t to Understanding perimeter protection and knowing how to keep the perimeter of your home base secure is the first step in preventing […]
By Zoey Sky
Home fortification tips for preppers
As a prepper, you must secure your home to keep your loved ones safe. The following list includes 11 things to consider when fortifying your home to prevent thieves from targeting your property. (h/t to Optimize the visibility of your property and reduce “approachability” To secure your home, you need to make it as undesirable […]
By Zoey Sky
Safe and sound: 3 Crucial home security tips to consider
In movies and TV shows, burglars are sometimes portrayed as comedic and ineffective. However, preppers take threats like burglars seriously, especially since thieves can be sneakier and craftier in real life. (h/t to Why is home security important? Whether you live in an apartment in the city or in a homestead near the woods, […]
By Edsel Cook
Home security is of monumental importance when SHTF… have you reviewed your security plan recently?
Your home is notionally your castle, a place that is meant to be safe for you and your family. Even preppers who plan to bug out when SHTF will stash some emergency supplies at their homes due to the sheer convenience. An article in The Prepper Journal recommended improving the security of your home to […]
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