herbal remedies
By Zoey Sky
Wild violets are useful plants that can help the smart prepper survive
When you see weeds in your lawn or garden, your initial reaction would usually be to eliminate all of them. But did you know that certain weeds, like beautiful wild violets, have various survival uses? (h/t to TheSurvivalMom.com.) Take note that you should learn how to differentiate between wild violets and African violets. While the former […]
By Tracey Watson
Build your own first aid kit with natural remedies
There is no doubt that many parts of the globe are in crisis, and to many it seems as though a natural or man-made disaster could strike in their area at any moment. While it is always important to have certain basic first aid items like Band-Aids and bandages on hand in case of emergency, […]
By Mike Adams
Must-see SURVIVAL medicine: How to treat infections without antibiotics … exclusive viewing for THREE days only
Through a special arrangement with The Food Grow Network and Food.news, we’ve made a lifesaving how-to video available to you for three days only, beginning today. It’s called “Treating Infections Without Antibiotics” and it shows you how to make your own potent antibiotics for emergency survival situations, or when pharmaceutical antibiotics become useless (due to […]
By Tracey Watson
Antibiotics in the wild: Usnea, a lichen that grows all around the globe, has been used as effective natural medicine for centuries
You have likely walked past it dozens of times during walks in wooded areas, without ever realizing that you were passing one of nature’s most miraculous healers. Usnea (pronounced yew-snee-a), or Old Man’s Beard, as it is known to many, is a type of lichen that can be found on trees that grow in high […]
By Zoey Sky
A weed to some, plantain is a survivalist’s powerful medicine
Weeds are the bane of every homeowner’s existence, but a certain plant called plantain is anything but a nuisance. Also called Plantago major, plantain is a versatile plant that every prepper needs to know about. (h/t to BioPrepper.com.) Plantain, which is different from the green bananas that are also called plantains, can be found almost anywhere. Plantain has […]
By Amy Goodrich
This often overlooked weed is ideal for delicious soup or tea
Touted as the “Herb Queen of the Spring” by Mother Earth News, stinging nettle is a nutritious and energy-rich favorite of herbalists. Found in most Northern forest regions around the globe during spring, many people regard this wild edible weed as a useless plant. This humble weed, however, has more value than most people think. […]
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