By RJ Jhonson
How to survive common natural disasters
Natural disasters come inevitably, but it’s possible to prepare for and actually survive them. Knowing what you need to watch out for and what you need to do once these calamities come will help you keep yourself and your family members safe and unharmed. Here are some of the most common natural disasters and how […]
By Rhonda Johansson
How to survive a hurricane: A day-by-day preparedness log and observation of the aftermath
Florida Dave, a contributor to Survival Blog, wrote down a day-to-day account of how he prepared for, survived, and managed after Hurricane Irma. We will be recounting some of the steps he took (and adding in our own comments and suggestions) in the hopes that you, dear NaturalNews reader, will learn essential tips on how […]
By Mike Adams
Preparedness supplies WIPED OUT across Florida as Hurricane Irma achieves 180 mph “beast” strength
Just in case Hurricane Harvey and the catastrophic Houston flooding incident didn’t wake up enough Americans to the importance of preparedness and survival planning, Hurricane Irma has just achieved “beast” status with 180 mph super winds that easily put it at a category 5 superstorm. According to the National Hurricane Center: Irma is a potentially […]
By Amy Goodrich
If you’re diabetic, you need to think about stockpiling INSULIN before the next collapse… here’s how to get it legally in your state
More than 28 million people in the United States have diabetes, and some 86 million are living with prediabetes which increases a person’s risk of type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Though natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and tornados are nothing new […]
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