natural antibiotics
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger releases new video: How to rapidly make herbal medicine and natural antibiotics using an ULTRASONIC CLEANER
As part of the PrepWithMike series of urgent how-to videos, I’ve posted a new video that shows you how to make herbal medicine by extracting it with a common solvent (water) that’s accelerated with the use of an ultrasonic cleaner. You can find the video link right now at This technique — which is […]
By Janine Acero
Survival tips and tricks: 5 NATURAL antibiotics in your kitchen
The odds of suffering from infection or illness goes up in a survival scenario such as a long-term grid-down disaster. During that period, getting much-needed medical care will be difficult. Knowledge of natural antibiotics is therefore crucial for ensuring survival. Here are a selection of natural antibiotics you can usually find in the kitchen. (h/t to 1. Garlic […]
By Janine Acero
5 Natural antiseptic plants you can use to treat wounds
Treating a wound is an essential survival skill. You can learn it through first aid training or you can improvise using medicinal plants when in a pinch. These plants have natural antiseptic properties that can help protect wounds from infection and support the skin’s natural healing process. (h/t to Wound-healing herbs and plants Plenty of […]
By Mike Adams
Full video now released: How to make your own colloidal silver using silver coins, step by step
We’ve been teasing about this how-to video for several weeks. Now it’s here: Full step-by-step instructions and a demonstration of how to make your own colloidal silver using standard silver coins. This means you can now stockpile silver coins as both a store of real wealth and as potential to create natural medicine… at the […]
By Darnel Fernandez
EMERGENCY MEDICINE skills: Creating your own penicillin at home
The discovery of penicillin was considered a landmark that changed the face of modern medicine. Penicillin refers to a group of powerful antibacterial drugs that target a wide variety of bacterial infections. While the overuse of antibiotics has been a growing problem in recent years, there is no denying the fact that there are certain […]
By Arsenio Toledo
7 Reasons to have Manuka honey in your survival stockpile
Manuka honey is a special kind of honey that is only grown in Australia and New Zealand. It comes from the honey made by bees who pollinate from the Leptospermum scoparium, or the manuka bush. Because of its unique nature, manuka honey is more potent than regular honey, and provides more health benefits. These benefits make manuka honey an excellent addition […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Preventing STDs and UTIs in a post-SHTF world
What happens when sex results in sexually transmitted disease (STD) or urinary tract infection (UTI)? Usually you would go see your healthcare provider immediately. But after SHTF, who can you to turn to when that kind of access to health services disappears? If you plan on hunkering down with a community after society collapses, sexual activity, especially […]
By Edsel Cook
How do you deal with dental abscesses in a SHTF situation?
Tooth abscesses can become deadly if you don’t have access to specialized dental care. Preppers and homesteaders must learn about the warning signs of a dental abscess, how to prevent it, and how to treat this dental emergency when it happens off-grid. An infection produces pus, which accumulates into an abscess. In tooth infections, the pus pools at the […]
By Zoey Sky
10 Medicinal herbs that every prepper needs when SHTF
Herbs aren’t just used to enhance the flavor of food. When SHTF, preppers know which medicinal herbs can be used to address different health complaints like headaches or a sore throat. It’s easy to grow various kinds of medicinal herbs in your garden or on your patio. Even if you live in an apartment, you […]
By Mary Miller
Prepping basics: DIY Elderberry remedies that can help prevent colds or the flu
You can forget about taking a trip to your local pharmacy the next time you come down with a bad case of the flu or the common cold. Why spend money on flu medication when you can create your own DIY herbal remedies in the comfort of your own home? Here are some useful elderberry remedies […]
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