By Zoey Sky
How to make your own laundry soap
Unlike store-bought laundry detergent, DIY laundry soap doesn’t use toxic chemicals to clean your clothes. When SHTF, you’ll benefit from knowing how to make your own laundry soap. Even when things are relatively calm, you can make DIY laundry soap to save money on cleaning products. You can make homemade laundry soap in either solid powder form […]
By Carol Anderson
First-aid 101: How to identify and treat spider bites
It’s really great that summer has come which means we get to enjoy the sun and hit the great outdoors. However, summertime is also the season for creepy spiders to come out and play. Thankfully, the common spider bites that we encounter are not dangerous, although they can still be painful, or worse, trigger other health […]
By Zoey Sky
Why you might want to start making your own jam without pectin
Pectin, a naturally occurring substance, is often used to make fruit jams. But did you know that you can still make jam without using pectin, which can be bad for your health? (h/t to Pectin and GMOs Preppers use all-natural ingredients to ensure that any food they harvest and preserve can keep them nourished and […]
By David Williams
Toxic substances from coal ash are leaking into the groundwater, yet utility companies keep petitioning for weaker monitoring rules
The first power plant coal ash reports have now been made publicly available for the first time since they were required to be submitted a couple of years back, and the data doesn’t look pretty. Based on an analysis conducted by the environmental law organization Earthjustice, the data shows – rather conclusively – that there […]
By Zoey Sky
Is it edible? 3 easy steps to determine if you’ve found something edible in the wild
Preppers have a well-rounded set of skills and if they’re stuck in the wilderness, they have the know-how to survive for a couple of weeks or even longer. Do you know how to identify edibles if you’re lost while hiking or camping? Once you’re in a safe zone, triage your needs immediately. Remember the top […]
By Ralph Flores
Prevent carbon monoxide poisoning this winter: Expert provides tips in wake of multiple illnesses (and a death) in New Jersey
Experts have released guidelines on how to protect yourself from carbon monoxide poisoning following the tragic death of a 13-year old girl in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Major winter storms heighten the risk of poisoning — with people turning up the heat to cope with the weather. However, the same heating devices also produce fumes that contain carbon […]
By Russel Davis
The shocking TRUTH: Where does your favorite bottled water actually come from?
An animated map generated by Business Insider has provided an overview on where the most popular bottled water brands actually came from. According to the map, Dasani Purified Water comes from a local water supply, while Nestlé’s Pure Life Purified Water takes its supply from a local well or municipal water source. Likewise, Aquafina’s Purified Water […]
By Mike Adams
Super Cognition: The Health Ranger reveals brain power secrets for peak human performance
Everywhere I go, people ask me how I get so much done. The simple truth is that we all have a “supercomputer” on our shoulders, and to maximize its performance, all we have to do is stop poisoning our brain while nourishing it with potent nutrition. Your brain wants to perform at its highest level, […]
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