White Vinegar
By Jessica Dolores
8 Household items you can use to treat cuts and wounds at home
You’ll never know when disaster will strike. When it does, though, are you medically prepared to handle any type of situation? In 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans and caused intense flooding, communication failures, and damage to buildings and roads. Affected residents found it hard to get medicine to ease their aches and pains. This […]
By D. Samuelson
7 Easy alternatives to toxic household cleaning products
When making decisions about the food you eat, you do your best to avoid ingesting GMOs, sodium nitrates, pesticides and aspartame. When your children are running on their school playground, you certainly don’t want them breathing in the neurotoxic mutagenic chemicals and heavy metals found in biosludge. So when you’re cleaning your sinks, shower stalls and toilet bowls, do you have the same diligence […]
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