By Darnel Fernandez
Berry foraging: How to identify and harvest 8 wild berries
Proper preparation can go a long way in increasing your chances of survival when facing an emergency situation. However, no matter how much food you stockpile and defenses you set up, you might be forced to bug out to a much safer location, even if it means taking a detour through the wilderness. In these […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Prepper guides: The difference between bugging out and camping
Camping is an enjoyable experience. You can get away from work for a weekend to relax, walk around in nature, set up camp and hang around the campfire with your friends or family. However, when SHTF, camping isn’t going to be the easy and enjoyable experience it normally is. It’s going to be you bugging out […]
By Mary Gardner
Fire starting tips and tricks: How to use a ferro rod (fire steel)
Fire making is a basic bushcraft skill that all preppers should know. A simple campfire can allow you to cook food, boil water, keep you warm and even signal for help. One way to start a fire is to use a ferrocerium rod. Also known as a ferro rod or fire steel, this handy survival […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Stay undercover using this camouflaging field equipment
If you see yourself bugging out into the woods and keeping yourself hidden from other people who may try to attack you and take all of your belongings, being able to remain undetected will be your greatest asset. This means learning how to camouflage your equipment, as well as knowing how to not leave any […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Camping 101: 10 Basic skills every camper should have
Camping isn’t just a hobby you partake in during the weekends. It’s also an activity that requires a certain set of skills that are necessary to ensure your safety and improve the quality of your camping experience. Here are 10 things you should learn to be a better camper. (h/t to Learn to plan your trip […]
By Zoey Sky
How to survive in the wild without your bug-out bag
Being a prepper means getting ready before SHTF. If things go from bad to worse and you lose your fully-equipped bug-out bag (BOB), you can get through a disaster using your survival skills. (h/t to Strengthen your will to survive It’s important to have survival skills, but when disaster strikes, your determination can also help you […]
By Darnel Fernandez
15 Sources of tinder for firestarting when SHTF
When going camping or bugging out in the woods, one of the basic things you need to learn is building your own fire. To build a fire, you need the right tinder. The purpose of tinder is to catch the flames from the ignition and burn long enough so that the larger kindling could start burning […]
By Zoey Sky
First aid tips: Learn these splinting techniques to prevent further injury when SHTF
First aid is a crucial prep that can help prevent injuries or loss of life when SHTF. One first aid skill all preppers should know is how to make a splint to protect an injury and prevent further damage. (h/t to The splinting techniques and guidelines detailed below will prove useful when addressing arm or leg […]
By Grace Olson
Prepping tips from a SpecOps sergeant: How to build a shelter, start a fire and find water
As a prepper, you’ve most likely read a lot of tips and tricks online about surviving in the wild. However, many of these techniques take a lot of work. They’re not wrong, but in a survival scenario, you need to save all the energy and time that you can. A former member of the U.S. […]
By Janine Acero
Survival medicine: How to stop bleeding injuries
When dealing with an injury, the first thing you need to do is stop the bleeding. If you’re in the city, you can expect medical help to arrive sooner. If you’re in a rural area, however, you may be looking at significantly longer response times. In a medical emergency, time isn’t on your side. Regardless […]
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