11/14/2021 / By Ethan Huff
A United Auto Workers (UAW) strike is causing delays for the delivery of tractor parts to John Deere dealerships all across America.
Replacement tractor parts are already hard to come by due to plandemic supply chain failures, and now this comes along to make matters worse.
More than 10,000 UAW members are refusing to work because John Deere does not want to pay them a higher wage, despite strong earnings. Upwards of 90 percent of union workers rejected a smaller offer from the company.
“It seems general membership feels emboldened by this current political movement of labor power,” told Victor Chen, a sociologist at Virginia Commonwealth University, to CBS News.
“They’re pushing things further than the union leadership apparently wants to go. It’s a gamble, but the economic wind is against their backs, given widespread supply chain problems and the current worker shortage.”
As a result of all this, it is taking weeks rather than days to fulfill parts orders. And these parts orders are needed to pull in the harvest ahead of the coming winter cold.
According to Jon Fisher, a wholesaler of tractors and other farming machinery in Columbia, S.C., the supply chain issues caused by the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are delivering a “double whammy” to America’s farming industry.
The farming equipment supply chain has become more complicated than ever before, and many farmers are struggling to find the parts they need to grow and harvest crops. What used to take days to get delivered is now taking a month or even longer.
And the worst part is that there is no end in sight to the madness. The Biden regime is doubling down on its “Build Back Better” (6uild 6ack 6etter) scheme, which is systematically dismantling the American economy, including the food supply.
There is also no end in sight to the strike since John Deere refuses to pay union workers higher wages. Instead, the company is desperately trying to find new foreign (i.e., Chinese) suppliers to fill the void.
Some 59 foreign factories are on John Deere’s radar, reported CNN Business.
John Deere is also considering replacing its skilled union workers with questionable non-union replacement workers, also known as “strikebreakers.” This could be a challenge, though, since the current low-wage labor market is not at all enticing to potential workers.
“Importing parts from its overseas factories could be the company’s short-term solution to mitigate the disruptions that have forced some farmers to resort to the second-hand market for parts,” reported Zero Hedge.
“The part disruption is problematic for farmers racing to finish corn and soybean harvesting ahead of the winter season. Part delays could begin to prevent fall fieldwork in preparation for spring plantings.”
In short, get ready to starve, America. Your leaders, your corporations and your everything seem to be hellbent on collapsing everything instead of doing the right thing, which is largely due to this country’s insatiable greed.
“John Deere invented this closed-loop repair nonsense that prevented farmers from repairing their own equipment,” noted one commenter at Zero Hedge. “Every farmer should ditch JD forever and buy easy to fix Belarus tractors instead.”
“If corporate farms would employ smarter workers, they could figure out how to work around this issue,” commenter another. “Like never buying JD in the first place. These just dead machines never were worth the high price they got.”
“Obviously this is weather related and transitory,” joked another, mocking Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell for his infamously ridiculous claim that the current inflationary spike is just “transitory.”
The latest news about the United States economy can be found at Collapse.news.
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Tagged Under: agriculture, Collapse, crops, farming, food crops, food riots, food supply, harvest, John Deere, spare parts, strike, supply chain, tractor parts, tractors, United Auto Workers